Bonett Bride British Flame x Icefiction from Mariannehouse

 7 females & 2 males

Date of Birth:  July 20, 2012

Many more pictures posted  in the Facebook album
                               Ms. Blue                                                                                 Ms. Multicolor

                                  Ms. Pink - Howe Family                                               Ms. Purple - Hahkala Family

                                   Ms. Red    L. Galan                                                                 Ms. Yellow
                            Mr. Black     sold                                                            Mr. Blue - Racine Family

 GoldSmith's Daring Rescue (Mr. Black) - A. Pettigrew - Winnipeg, MB

Goldsmith's Dreamcatcher (Mr. Blue) - Racine Family  Red Lake, ON
Goldsmith's Drama Queen  (Ms. Blue) - Jonasson Family - Arborg, MB
Goldsmith's Drop Dead Gorgeous (Ms. Multi Color) - B. Nelson Minnesota
Goldsmith's Dare to be Different (Ms. Purple) - Hahkala family  Fort Francis, ON
Goldsmith's Dressed to the Nines  (Ms. Red) - L. Galan   California

Goldsmith's Dancing Queen  (Ms. Pink) - Howe Family  Kenora, ON

Goldsmith's Date With Destiny (Ms. Yellow) - Jackson Family  - Fort Francis, ON

It's been a journey, but I am very pleased to announce that Ms. Yellow will be going to her forever home!  Her check up this week was very good. She's a healthy 23.5 lbs and her injuries have healed well. While no one knows what/if any issues will arise from her injury, I am thankful that a family from Fort Francis is willing to open their home and hearts to her.  I think it's a union that was meant to be - I will be following her growth with much interest. We will miss this girl - we formed a special bond during the hard times and it's hard to see her go.  A beautiful puppy with a beautiful soul.

GoldSmith Retrievers est 1996